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Right2Grow participate to the input session Africa Strategy by dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs is currently working on a strategy for Africa. A publication is expected in the third or fourth quarter of this year. Partos, in collaboration with its members and other relevant stakeholders, has organized a number of thematic input sessions during June 2022. The objective of these sessions is to arrive at recommendations for the African strategy. For each session, a panel of experts (NGOs, African representatives, academics) is brought together to discuss the topic in question and attempt to come up with recommendations, under the guidance of a moderator. In this case, our partner Dejene Minliku from ORDA Ethiopia participate to the dialogue on food security & nutrition. He present local challenges, needs & solutions.

*Partos is the Dutch membership body for organisations working in international development. Partos brings together a membership of more than 100 Dutch development NGOs.

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